- iOS Lead Developer at fieldmargin | Former @makeshifthq @sysdivision @CCMA | Co-founder of @Context_HQ | Photographer | ENG, Swift, Obj-C, CAT, ESP, 日本語
- iOS and Mac developer, photographer and music lover
- ENG, Swift, Obj-C, CAT, ESP, 日本語
Photography collaborations and expositions
My passion is programming but I also enjoy other things like photography :)
- 2012 | Alien Skin Retouch | Honorific Mention | Alien Skin | Fstoppers
- 2011 | In Search of Incredible | Asus/Intel | 1rst place Zooppa Award (Spain)
- 2010 | Wasabi Desenfocado | Shared exposition about Japan with Guillermo Ruiz | Velcro Bar, Barcelona
- 2010 | Arrinconado | Collaborative project | Barcelona Photobloggers | Exposition at Maremagnum, Barcelona
- 2009 | Al Detall | Shared exposition Maremagnum, Barcelona
- 2008 | Elements | Shared exposition Maremagnum, Barcelona
- 2008 | Hana-Ichi | Hana-Ichi Festival Senryu Shrine @ Tokyo, Jaapan | By Modern_Classic books shop
- 2008 | De La Red a La Pared II | Collective exposition Fotonauta @ Barcelona
- 2008 | Photoblog Awards 2008 | Best New Photoblog | Finalist with WasabiNoise.com
- 2007 | Voltants | Collective exposition Fotonauta @ Barcelona.
- 2007 | Donation of one photo about the Barcelona bike share service named bicing to the New York Bike Share Project @ New York, USA
- 2006 | De la Red a La Pared | Collective exposition Fotonauta @ Barcelona